Tuesday, December 9, 2008

an introduction

well since third time is a charm, my brother has been going through the process of having his third brain tumor removed over the past week, so i have decided to document the whole event. With the encouragement of my brother who wanted some photos of himself in the hospital, i have begun to go through the tedious process of shooting photos and writing recaps of each day that we have traveled to the university hospital in london.

Soon information about brain tumors will be posted including the diagnosis my brother received, information about what it is like for my family to go through the challenging events of this surgery and the chemo that is going to follow. Hopefully it will be a way for my family members to find out information, a way for others to gain information about brain tumors and a means for me to enjoy the solitude of reflection in hopes of keeping my wits about me for the days to come.

So here are some teaser photos from after the surgery over the past four days. it will take a while, but soon everything will be up and running. For those faint of heart, I suggest going back now. Some of the visuals are quite graphic. not in any particular order as of yet, but soon will be, with explanations.

for now signing out.

1 comment:

  1. I went in twice, for something that seems minor in comparison. The first time was fairly easy because I didn't know what to expect, what a toll even success could take. The second was brutal because I knew all too well what to expect. I couldn't imagine a third.

    Tell your brother he has my best wishes, my best hopes and my utmost respect.

    The same for you, as well, Melissa. This is an incredibly brave project.
